Win A Set Of Longines Global Champions Tour Jumping Boots – CLOSED

The best jump-offs are made even better when there’s an awesome prize at stake, so we have an exciting Christmas present lined up for one lucky reader of The JumpOff. Before Christmas, one reader will be walking away with a full set of Longines Global Champions Tour boots (front and back) by Lami-Cell, featuring the GCL logo. Not only are these special boots stunning to look at and great at protecting your horse, but they’re fully show legal in compliance with all rule updates for 2021. So, how do you win them? Keep reading to find out…

Jumping Boots, The JumpOff
Longines Global Champions Tour tendon boots and classic fetlock boots by Lami-Cell.

-STEP 1-

LIKE and FOLLOW The JumpOff on Facebook – if you don’t follow the page, you can’t win.


-STEP 2-

Like and share the Facebook competition post with the hashtag #TheJumpOffZA. Make sure that you like the original post on The JumpOff’s page and make sure your share is public so we can see it and your entry doesn’t get lost.

-STEP 3-

Tag 3 friends in the comments section of the Facebook post; because what’s the point of winning a set of Longines Global Champions Tour boots if you can’t brag to your friends?

-STEP 4-

Make sure you follow us on Instagram @TheJumpOffZA for a second chance to win.

-STEP 5-

Bonus entry! Fill in the form below to get an extra bonus entry into the draw:

The winner will be drawn at random on December 20th, 2020, just in time for you to get your boots by Christmas!

-T H E  R U L E S-

  • This competition is only open to readers residing within South Africa. Shipping will be arranged for the winner only within South African borders.
  • All post shares must be made public for the entry to be valid.
  • Only one entry per person, per platform, will be considered, but bonus entries are only valid if a legitimate Facebook entry is completed; i.e. Facebook, Instagram, and the website each count as one entry.
  • The winner will be decided by a random draw and will be notified via Facebook, Instagram, e-mail, and telephone where applicable. Should the winner not claim their prize within 7 days of the draw, a new winner will be drawn at random.

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