The Big Food Ride: A Cause Worth Supporting

After South Africa was thrown into a full lockdown in March 2020, despite the financial ramifications, the extra time afforded to most of us saw a new birth of several great initiatives including the Big Food Ride: a webinar series that enabled riders across the globe to join in and chat to some of the showjumping industry’s most iconic riders and current top-ranked competitors including Edwina Tops-Alexander, Rodrigo Pessoa, Bertram Allen, Martin Fuchs, and Cian O’Connor, with 100% of the earnings going to an Eswatini charity, Challenge Ministries.

The JumpOff, The Big Food Ride

While there were mixed reviews on the series in its initial stages, the majority of riders saw it as a great opportunity to present questions and situations to the best in the world while some saw it as more of a social event rather than an educational opportunity. But still, it presented an opportunity that would not be afforded to the vast majority in any other circumstance – a fairly personal interaction with the world’s best riders. And so, the viewership grew and people religiously tuned in every Monday night, with their questions lined up, to speak to top riders across the globe. So where did the initiative come from and what did the creator hope to achieve?


The idea was born from Jeanine van Wyk who resides in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and has had an involvement with horses for the majority of her life. As a rider herself, Jeanine understands that knowledge can never be complete when it comes to the equine industry and appreciates every bit of additional advice that can help progress us further. As for the motives, all funds raised from this initiative are donated to a charity in Eswatini, Challenge Ministries, which aids in the development, growth and support of orphan children with everything covered from food and shelter to caregiving, clothing, and medical, to name a few. The Big Food Ride is an incredible show of charity from Jeanine and all the celebrities who have willingly donated their time for the cause.

The JumpOff, The Big Food Ride

With assistance from her coach, Dominey Alexander, who has been a steadfast supporter with attendance at the majority of the webinars thus far, the webinars have been received very well by South Africa’s top riders, including Anne-Marie Esslinger, Jodi Pieters, Ronnie and Ashlee Healy, and Ronnie Lawrence and, in turn, everyone who aspires to be like them. The initiative enables enthusiasts not only the opportunity for education and a ‘meet and greet’ for showjumpers across the world, but is also supporting a worthy cause.

After a few months’ hiatus, the third season is now lined up and begins on Monday the 25th of January with a celebrity interview with USA rider, Jessica Springsteen. Currently, under the tutelage of Edwina Tops-Alexander, who we had the privilege of speaking to in season 2, Jessica has grown on the global scale after starting her riding career at just 4 years old. With a string of incredible horses stationed at the family-owned Stone Hill Farm in Colts Neck, New Jersey, Jessica has been credited with “particularly bold riding” which has seen her win many Pony Rider, Junior, and Adult Grand Prix competitions.

With all the previous ‘episodes’ available on the website, people have the opportunity to catch up on series missed as well as join into the start of season 3. Details are available on the Big Food Ride website for those interested in joining in on the journey.

-The JumpOff-


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