Arnold Botha Cracks the 1.50m with KP Warmblood Stallion

Arnold Botha is a well-known figurehead in the showjumping industry. Having been involved with horses for most of his adult life, Arnold has taken on an influential role in both the organisational aspect of the sport with his membership on the KPC Exco as well as the competitive aspect with his own string of showjumpers and pupils. But this past weekend Arnold took a massive step up in his own personal riding as he moved into the 1.50m ranks.

Arnold Botha, The JumpOff
Arnold Botha and KP Laudanum | Photo credit: Denford Studios

As head of Grounds/Equipment at Kyalami Park Club, Arnold is a regular face at the club and is often seen on the premises as the man to talk to about any issues regarding the jumping facilities. A great natured man, Arnold is often joking, laughing, and creating a relaxed atmosphere for those around him. On the competitive side, riding under the brand name Novastud, Arnold has had some exquisite horses under his belt over the years including Novastud Darcy V Overis Z who unfortunately passed very early on but that hasn’t stopped Arnold from continuing to strengthen his current sting. 


Arguably, the most notable ride from his own yard has been the 12-year-old gelding, Novastud Neuland Nitelife, by Numero Uno out of a Caesour XX mare. The talented gelding, despite his slim stature, is a very strong and eager horse who enjoys taking the taller fences at speed despite the resistance, rightly so, met by his jockey, Arnold. The pair have been regular features in the 1.40m competitions until a recent injury incurred by Arnold had him sitting on the sidelines for a few months.

Alongside his affiliation with Novastud and his several Lorelock Stud horses, Arnold has also had an affiliation with KP Warmblood Stud for several years through which he secured the ride on the boisterous stallion, Laudanum. The striking stallion, standing 18hh, is by Lord Z out of an Acclaim mare and despite his size, which had many people thinking that he was simply too big to be careful, has steadily climbed the ranks to make his 1.50m debut at the recent 19th edition of the Erreplus President’s Cup. The start of the competition was not the ideal beginning for the partnership as the distracted stallion had Arnold working very hard to keep him focused, however, by the final competition, the pair had a wonderful round with only a single rail falling.

Arnold Botha, The JumpOff
Arnold Botha and KP Laudanum | Photo credit: Denford Studios

The debut in the top heights is a momentous occasion for both Arnold and the KP Warmblood Stud as it signals the beginning of an illustrious career for the 10-year-old stallion. An already active stud stallion, the new top-level career ahead of Laudanum will only further cement his name as a first choice sire as he continues to grow his experience and settle into the highest echelons of our sport. The step into the 1.50m ranks is also a personal victory for Arnold who, after years of competitions in the showjumping industry coupled with intermittent injuries, has now cracked the big leagues and hopes to remain there for many years to come.

Congratulations to all parties involved, may this new journey be filled with success.

-The JumpOff-


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