Oscar Ncube: A Story to Tell

Oscar Ncube, The JumpOff

Oscar Ncube is no stranger to the limelight in the showjumping community. Having a successful string of showjumping horses, a top-notch yard in Kyalami, a competitive desire to win, and a history of producing fantastic horses from the ground up, Oscar has become a well-known face to all in the showjumping industry. His reputation has been further built on the foundation of his incredible work ethic and respect for his animals, which Oscar believes is the optimal way of ensuring a successful career.  His role in the industry does not go unnoticed by external media outlets, either, as Oscar has become a regular face for the sport conducting various radio and television interviews. The most recent of which, an episode of The Insider SA on SABC 3, highlighted his recent achievements and goals.

Oscar first discovered his love of horses at the tender age of 7 when he was introduced to the horses and ponies at Linda Rowe’s property; an influence he has subsequently paid homage to by naming his yard in honour of – LinRowe Stables. Following the ignition of his passion, Oscar has built a strong career in the sport and has gone on to compete in several international competitions, including the All Africa Games in 2007 for which he earned South African colours, as well as the South African Derby. As a successful businessman and talented rider, Oscar’s new focus is improving the diversity in the showjumping industry. A similar programme to Nicola Sime-Riley’s SPED system, the focus of Oscar’s development programme is to encourage young children of colour to enter the sport and grow their passion for horses. 


The financial aspect of equestrian is what prohibits a lot of families getting involved, but with Oscar’s new programme, the financial aspect is set aside for the initial phases. Together with fiance, Catherine McFarlane, the couple have dreams of creating further awareness of the industry and creating opportunities for development and growth. Oscar is still working on his personal goals of re-entering the top ranks, however, he is also focussed on ensuring the young talents brought on through his programme have the same opportunities to reach the top.

Oscar Ncube, The JumpOff
Image from The Insider SA | Photo credit: Denford Studios

Oscar summarised his passion for the sport succinctly in his recent interview: “It’s not actually a hobby; it’s something I love,” before making it very clear what his goals are: “I want to compete in the highest levels of showjumping.” This focused attitude is the key to ensuring Oscar’s plan comes to fruition and remains successful for years to come, and Oscar’s work ethic and dedication are an inspiration to a new generation of showjumpers who look to one day emulate his success.

-The JumpOff-


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