Tamara Rueda’s JK Quantas 18 Returns to Competition

JK Quantas 18, The JumpOff
Tamara Rueda riding JK Quantas 18 | Photo credit: Hilary O’Leary

Despite her young age, 22-year-old Tamara Rueda, originally from the Western Cape, has been an active competitor in the top levels of the sport for a number of years in both the U25 competitions and Adult grades with her string of competitive horses including JK Callaho Liantos, AAN Equine L’Adorado FG and her grey mare, JK Quantas 18 – her most experienced top-level horse, by Quite Capitol out of a Coriano mare.

The recent Riders Series Finals incorporating the Kawena Masters was an exciting show for Tamara as, alongside her victory in the 1.35m Championship class on JK Callaho Liantos, this competition also marked the return of her 1.50m horse, Quantas, after being sidelined for over 8 months with an injury. The 12-year-old mare has been a remarkable partner to Tamara as the pair have successfully competed in the 1.50m ranks with several top 5 placings under their belt in 2019, including a 3rd place at the Nissan Easter Festival competition and a 4th at the Revil Stables World Cup Qualifier event.

JK Quantas 18, The JumpOff
Tamara Rueda riding JK Quantas 18 | Photo credit: Hilary O’Leary

The return of JK Quantas is great news for Tamara and her showjumping fans as they begin their journey, once again, to the highest levels of the sport.

-The JumpOff-


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